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Our workshop rules!

At Salvi's it's all about hand building and getting things right. You can't beat a broad bench and quality Sheffield chisels to make things work. But how do you stay competative in a modern market place? Well, sometimes it pays to get the "grunt work" out of the way, so to that end, I invested in a CNC (computer numeric controlled) machine to help out with the more complex shapes and the basic routing for solid body guitars. It means an accurate quality control and a way of reducing labour costs that can be passed on to you as savings. 


MONDAY-         gone practicing

TUESDAY           10am - 4:30pm

WEDNESDAY    10am - 4:30pm

THURSDAY        10am - 6pm

FRIDAY               10am - 6pm

​SATURDAY        10am - 1:00pm

08 8443 8272

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54 George Street


South Australia 5152

+61 8 8443 8272

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